
Showing posts from April, 2018


Comparison between theism and deism Description Theism - is a belief that one personal god exists or more and that he/she created the universe and governs it. Deism - is a belief that a higher being exists, or might exist, but does not govern and intervene the universe. Source of knowledge about God Theism - Bible (Christianity) Deism - Nature (evidence of god exist/might exist) Gods definition Theism - omnimax god Deism - unknowable Interference Theism - God actively intervenes/participate/interacts the universe he/she created. Deism - God does not intervene the universe, let the natural laws work itself. Logic vs faith Deism - Nature ( science & philosophy) Through nature, it requires logic and reason. Theism - (Christianity) Bible (Philosophy) requires faith.


WHAT IS LOGICAL FALLACY? Logical fallacy is a faulty reasoning occurs in argumentation or rhetoric. It is a mistaken beliefs based on unsound arguments,derive from reasoning that is logically incorrect, thus undermining an arguments validity. Logical fallacies are like tricks or illusions of thought, and they're often very sneakily used by politicians, media, business advertisement and persons beliefs to fool people.   Fallacy is quite common and difficult to spot in the conversation, debate, argumentation and writing due to the application and structure they apply. We often accept what they are saying and writing is true, not taking a moment to use critical thinking, to assess the validity of what has been written or said or to question its applicability to our own lives and context. HOW TO IDENTIFY LOGICAL FALLACIES  FALSE DILEMMA ( Black or White ) When it is suggested that only two options, althoug