
Showing posts from February, 2018


THE MISCONCEPTION OF SCIENTIFIC THEORY, LAW AND HYPOTHESIS. THEORY VS. SCIENTIFIC THEORY ¨ Many people thought that a scientific theory is a speculation¨  THEORY - Hypothesis, speculation, guess, view, belief, opinion, thinking,suspicion etc. SCIENTIFIC THEORY - in Science, the term Theory refers to a well substantiated explanation of some aspect of natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. such fact supported theories are not ´guesses´ but reliable accounts of the real world. HYPOTHESIS VS. SCIENTIFIC THEORY HYPOTHESIS - is a suggested explanation for an observable phenomenon or a reasoned predict of a possible casual correlation among multiple phenomena. SCIENTIFIC THEORY - in Science, Theory is tested, well substantiated, unifying explanation for a set of verified proven factors and always backed by evidence. a hypothesis is an attempt to explain phenomena. It is a propos


 DEISM   a belief but not a religion, believed in god or creator based on nature relied on science and philosophy through logic and reason . a belief of an individual freethinker, which has own personal points of view, rejects the revelation as a source of religious knowledge and assert that reason and observation of natural world. The methods that defines deism and deist thought. In deism, we are expected to provide our logic and reasons, we are not simply assert a belief or disbelief without logical reasoning. DEISM based on nature relied on Science & Philosophy through logic reasoning. Deist observe the universe and propose explanations for those aspects not yet resolved. we call these ¨ Hypotheses¨ when proven, they are known as ¨ Theories¨ Methods to Identify 1) ideas/evidence proven true = Theory ¨ Hypotheses¨ all the data's (evidence) gathered through research and observation. 2) ideas/evidence not proven true = Hypothesis/Speculation ¨Hypo